Admissions are closed for the academic year 2024-2025



HEAD BOY                 :  SYED ZIAD


PREFECTS                 :   1. NEERAJ KUMAR   (X Z)

                                        :   2. WILSON    (X Z)

                                        :  3. K.MADHURI (X D)

                                        :  4. DEEKSHITA    (X D)

                                        :   5. SAIRAM SAKETH (IX Z) 

                                        :   6. LAKSHANA    (VIIID)

                                        :   7. S. REVATHI    (VIII Z)

                                        :   8. K. SANTOSH  (VIII Z )

                                        :  9. ADITYA MENON (VIII D)

SPORTS CAPTAINS                  :   MANISH  (BOYS – X D)

                                                            :   PRAMATHA AKSHAYA (GIRLS – X D)


                                                             :   V GAYATHRI   (GIRLS – IX D)

   CCA CAPTAIN                            :  AISHWARYA   (X D)

CCA VICE CAPTAIN                   :  AMOL PATHAK   (IX D)


           VICE CAPTAIN                    :   J. GAYATHRI   (IX D)

RUBY HOUSE CAPTAIN            :   KOUMIDI   (X D)  

           VICE CAPTAIN                    :   SANA TABSUM   (IX Z)


           VICE CAPTAIN                    :   AISHU REDDY   (IX D)


           VICE CAPTAIN                    :   RASHMITA ANAND   (IX D)

CO – SCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES 2019 – 20 for Classes I & II

Literary Activities
E H T  

Language Club

Maths Club Science Club
Select any one Language

·         Short talk

·         Recitation

·         Concept for all Subject

·         Scholar’s Exhibition

·         Role play

·         Spell bee

·         Story telling

·         Word building

·         Activity on place value

·         Additions

·         Tangrams

·         Skip counting using dice

·         Puzzles

·         Concept for Scholar Exhibition

·         Quiz (Brain gym)

·         Shapes with wooden toys & beads

·         All about monsoon

·         Environment home / School awareness charts

·         Model making (paper / clay)

·         Physical fitness & Health

·         Quiz

·         Role play

·         Hands on Activity

Sports Activity Cultural Activities  
·         Karate

·         Skating

·         Carroms

·         Chess

·         Atheletics

·         Junior Basket Ball


·         Classical

·         Indian folk

·         World folk


·         Instrumental

·         Vocal



CO – SCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES 2019 – 20 for Classes III to X

Please opt any one club under Literary Activity, one game under Sports Activity and one activity under Cultural Department in which the child will be trained for one academic year.

The topics to be covered during the activities are mentioned below each club.

                                                                            Literary Activities
III & IV In – charge Teacher V & VI In – Charge Teacher VII & VIII In-charge


IX & X In – Charge Teacher
·         Spell Bee / Word building

·         Short talk (E/T/H)

·         Preparation for Literary day

·         Story Telling (E/T/H)

·         Conversation

·         Calligraphy

·         Role Play

  ·         Word building

·         Tableau Presentation

·         Extempore

·         Preparation for Literary day

·         Book review

·         Spell bee

·         Calligraphy

·         Creative Writing

  ·         Debate

·         Elocution (E/H/T)

·         Quiz

·         Preparation for literary day

·         Book review

·         Declamation

·         Cross word puzzle

·         Creative writing (E/H/T)









                                                                                        Sports Activities    
III & IV In – charge Teacher V to VI In – Charge Teacher VII to VIII Incharge Teacher IX & X In – Charge Teacher
·         Karate

·         Skating

·         Carroms

·         Chess

·         Athletics

·         Junior Basket Ball

  ·         Skating (B/G)

·         Basket Ball (B/G)

·         Volley Ball (B)

·         Throw Ball (G)

·         Table Tennis (B/G)


  ·         Basket Ball (B/G)

·         Athletics (B/G)

·         Throw Ball (G)

·         Volley Ball (B)

·         Table Tennis


  ·         Basket ball

·         Kho – Kho

·         Volley ball

·         Athletics

                                                                          Cultural Activities    
III & IV Incharge Teacher V to VI Incharge Teacher VII & VIII Incharge Teacher IX & X  

·         Classical

·         Indian Folk

·         World Folk

Instrumental Music

·         Vocal

·         Dramatics


·         Classical

·         Indian Folk

·         World Folk


Home Science

Monthly one recipe, with nutritive value, demo & practical.

 Choir (Singing)

Instrumental Music

·         Keyboard

·         Tabla

Instructor will be arranged depending on the No. of students opting the activity.

·         Dramatics /Mime


·         Classical

·         Indian Folk

·         World Folk


Home Science

Monthly one recipe, with nutritive value, demo & practical.

·         Art & Craft

·         Dramatics / Mime

Instrumental Music

·         Vocal




·         Classical

·         World Folk


·         Art & Craft


·         Vocal





Maths Club
III & IV Incharge Teacher V & VI Incharge Teacher VII & VIII Incharge Teacher
·         Origami

·         Mind Maze Puzzles

·         Tangrams

·         Puzzles suign wooden toys/ magnetic toys

·         Mental maths

·         Making shapes using geo-board & rubber bands

·         quiz (2 levels)

·         Preparing for Scholar Exhibition

·         Cross word puzzle

  ·         Mind Maze Puzzles

·         Making geometrical shapes using match sticks / cycle valve tube

·         Origami

·         Preparing puzzles using numbers

·         Preparing charts on numbers 

·         quiz (2 levels)

·         Cross word puzzles

·         Dictionary making

  ·         Origami

·         Mental Maths

·         Quiz

·         Dictionary Making

·         Hands on Activity

·         Making Educational toys

Science Club
III & IV Incharge Teacher V & VI Incharge Teacher VII & VIII Incharge Teacher
·         Good Habits – Puzzles

·         Hands on activity

·         Poster making

·         Preparing first aid kit

·         Solving Puzzles

·         Preparing for Scholar’s Exhibition

  ·         Hands on activity

·         Preparing fact file – collection of amazing facts

·         festival celebration – (Being eco-friendly)

·         Model making – (working model)

·         Paper Mache


·         Quiz (2 levels)

·         Puzzles

  ·         Hands on activity

·         CBSE Science Exhibition

·         Debate – Topic: Technology

·         Naming the trees in the school garden

·         Paper Mache

    Social Club      
III & IV Incharge Teacher V & VI Incharge Teacher VII & VIII Incharge Teacher
·         Continent – Asia

·         My Country India (countries – Capitals)

·         My city – Telangana

·         Quiz (2 levels)

·         Map skills on every topic

·         Model making

·         Stamp Collection (Philatelist)& Coin Collection (Numismatics)

·         Collage work

  ·         Indian Art

·         Indian Culture

·         Indian History

·         India Map

·         Asia – (countries, capitals, Currency, Map pointing, Preparation for quiz)

·         Collage work

Theme: Our cultural heritage / Unity in Diversity

·         Model making

·         Tableau

·         Coin Collection (Numismatics)

  ·         Debate – Theme Cultural Heritage

·         Short talk – Inspirational leaders

·         Map skills

·         Model making

·         CBSE Heritage quiz & Exhibition

·         General quiz 

·         Mock Parliament

·         UN Day celebrations




Classes III & IV
Month Event Month Event
June ·         House meetings. Agenda – creating awareness of the competitions.

·         Preparing list of students.

·         Skipping (Qualifying round)

October ·         Inter House Dramatics

·         Competitions (literary day)


July ·         Drawing & colouring.

·         Environment (Topic) – A4 sheet/ colour pencils.

·         Lemon & Spoon race

·         Paper folding (Origami)

November ·         Final round of the conducted games.

·         Creative writing (E/T/H)


August ·         Inter – House group singing competition – Patriotic Song


December ·         Athletics (100m) (50m x 4)

·         Quiz (General)


September ·         Recitation (E/T/H)

·         Theme: ode to elders

·        Hoola hoop – Athletics

January ·         Carroms

·         Inter House All Subjects

·         Scholar Exhibition

Classes V & VI
June ·         House meetings. Agenda – creating awareness of the competitions.

·         Preparing list of students.

·         Book review & Extempore (B & G)

October ·         Card making (Best out of waste) Unity in Diversity.

·         All subject Scholar Exhibition on the day of PTM.

July ·         Kho – Kho (B & G)

·         Tangram

·         Planning & Practice for Tableau


November ·         Vegetable Carving

·         Extempore

·         Table Tennis (B & G)






·         Inter – House Competition:  Tableau presentation (Glimpses of Indian Culture)



·         Relay Race







·         Book review

·         Finals of the conducted games

·         Bulletin board decoration (Competition)

·         Inter – House Dramatics Competition

·          Word Building (E/H/T)

Theme: Phonetics & Mathras

·         Calligraphy (E /H/T)

Classes VII & VIII
June ·         House meetings

·         Agenda – creating awareness of the competitions.

·         Preparing list of students.

·         Volley Ball / Throw Ball

October ·         Scholar’s Exhibition
July ·         Comedy time / values – (mime)

·         Poster & slogan writing

·         Navikarana


November ·         Street Play (Rights of Children) Competition

·         Debate & Declamation

·         Finals of the conducted games

·         Youth Festival

August ·         Group singing – (15th Aug)

·         Athletics – long jump / 100 m race/ 100m hurdles

·         Bulletin Board Decoration – Patriotism

December ·         Best out of waste – Using eco-friendly material

·         Final round quiz (VII to X)

·         Inter House Dramatics

Theme: Women Empowerment

September ·         Creative Writing (E/H/T)

·         General Quiz – (qualifying round)


January ·         Group Singing

·         Kho – Kho (G)

·         Chess(B)

                                                                                                                  Classes IX & X
June ·         House meetings October ·         Scholar’s Exhibition
July ·         Navikarana November ·         Youth Festival
August ·         Declamation (News paper presentation) December ·         Elocution (E/H/T)
September ·         Maths Quiz January ·         Sports




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